Thursday, March 5, 2009

After the Misunderstanding

After the misunderstanding, I have been thinking a lot. I usually pray silently. And I still do...A LOT! I love the silent prayers in my head. Why? Because I know that when an answer comes, it is straight from GOD.

Here is the answer after a few minutes of the misunderstanding. I'm amazed that it took just about 5 minutes for GOD to answer. Just amazing.

"Love is stronger than pride so when you love someone, tell them and never let go; love is a gift not an opportunity, follow your heart and always trust the person you love. Good day." ~from one of my respected older friends, Mrs. Sol Castillo (DepEd Division)

Love is truly a gift not an opportunity that just comes and then you let go after some time of getting tired. It is a gift that needs to be treasured forever. Love means being faithful and committed to just one person. Follow your heart means for me that GOD is my heart so I will follow my heart all of my days. GOD owns my heart. I can translate it however I desire and will end up loving more. This is such a wonderful quote. A revelation.

You know the secret to GOD's revelations? Just listen and heed all the time. Don't miss out!

Oh boy...I gotta edit this and add some more because after I posted this, there were more waiting for me. I'll share them NOW! hehehe!

This is rare! I received an email from Denise Austin (a physical fitness instructor) and here's what it says (not full article)...

Are you the type of person who forgives easily, or are you a master at holding a grudge? If the latter, you might be hurting your health and your happiness. Research has found that forgiveness is good for the body, not just the mind!
One study showed that when people dwell on pain and anger from their past, their blood pressure, heart rate, and muscle tension all increased. It makes sense: When your mind is unable to forgive, you hold on to negative energy, and your body can become physically stressed.
Forgiving someone can release this bad energy, changing your overall health and happiness for the better. We all know how hard it can be to forgive someone who has really hurt you, but it's time to put yourself first. Forgiveness improves your health and your life, and that's what matters.
Forgiving and moving on from an old grudge creates much more space in your life for happiness and positivity. Let it all go — you owe it to yourself!

And here's another one (not full article) from Dennis and Barbara Rainey that I was reading as I was posting. Oh yeah I multi-task hahaha!

Proverbs 12:18
There is one who speaks rashly like the thrusts of a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.

Quibbles. Quarrels. Squabbles. Conflicts in the home are as normal as breathing. Our aim shouldn't be to avoid conflict, but to handle it wisely.
One reason people have conflict in marriage is that opposites attract. It's strange, but that is probably part of the reason why you married who you did. Your mate added variety, spice and difference to your life. But after being married for a while (sometimes a short while), the attractions become repellents.
A typical pairing is the peacemaker and the prizefighter. The peacemaker would rather hide than fight. The peacemaker says, "It's okay, let's forget it. It isn't worth the hassle." The prizefighter, meanwhile, says, "Let's put on the gloves and duke it out."
There's a lot at stake in the way you and your mate handle your conflicts. It's not just the intimacy in your marriage that's on the line, but the lives of impressionable sons and daughters as well. The African proverb is chillingly true: "When the elephants fight, it's the grass that suffers."

That the Prince of Peace will rule in your home.
Discuss: Are you aware of any opposite traits that attracted you and your mate to each other? Are the "prizefighter" and "peacemaker" (or other conflict management styles) apparent in your household?

What can I say? GOD is consistently faithful!




Make an impact. Make a difference. Make a ripple. Tip the scale.

When you feel GOD's love, OVERFLOW!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Very true! I enjoyed reading this! God bless you!