Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Wanted and Waited

My Cody wanted me so he waited.

He still wants me so he still waits.

Haste makes waste.

We ought to bring matters into the Hands of GOD.

As i was in the passenger jeepney earlier this morning, i just sat there patiently as the driver waits for passengers. It took him almost 30 minutes of waiting for passengers to fill his jeepney. It is not how a usual driver does in his everyday trip. I saw patience in him as we both waited. After 20 minutes, the jeepney was gradually filled by men and women. An insight came upon me. Patience truly has its own rewards. When we wait, we are able to enjoy every blessing that comes from GOD as blessings gradually flow in our lives and fill us up. No need to hurry. Just slowly being saturated by GOD will make you whole. A complete soul slowly but surely being prepared for GOD's Perfect Choice for you.

As Cody and i wait for our perfect wedding, for now, i just breathe in GOD's wholeness so i can be made whole. A great wife to my future husband and a great mother to my future children. An open vessel for GOD alone.

At the end of the aisle, i must be able to say, "Cody, you are worth the wait."


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